Walking in the Avon Breast Cancer 3-Day in 2001, Paul Boulanger and his wife at the time, a breast cancer survivor, were taken aback by the dearth of male participants. Of the 3,000-plus walkers, fewer than 90 were men. Paul decided that this under-representation of his gender was simply unacceptable–and Men With Heart was born.
The first Men With Heart team was fielded in 2002. Thirty-seven men took part in the Avon 3-Day, a 60-mile trek from Fitchburg to Boston, raising over $135,000 for breast cancer research and treatment.
Men With Heart has fielded a team for every Avon Walk for Breast Cancer since 2002.
In ’04, we expanded our efforts to include the Komen Breast Cancer 3-Day, as well as the American Cancer Society’s “Race for the Cure.”
In 2007 and 2008, MWH sponsored the Jenny Birch/Susan Snow-Cotter Memorial Regatta to Fight Breast Cancer, raising over $54,000 for the cause.
All told, we’ve generated almost a million dollars for breast cancer treatment, prevention, support, and awareness since 2001.
In each walk, we try to inspire enthusiasm and camaraderie. Between our frequent group sing-a-longs, boisterous receiving lines, candy and supply distributions, and the support and positive energy we provide, we hope to lift spirits and make the experience even more positive and memorable.
Men With Heart will be participating in many more events this year and beyond. Stay tuned!
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