by Jack B. | Aug 31, 2013
Now that we’ve hiked our final Komen Boston 3-day (photos), Men With Heart turns its attention to other worthy organizations, projects, and events.
We’re especially excited to take part in the FLAMES OF HOPE weekend event in Providence on Oct. 11-13. FLAMES OF HOPE was created to promote breast cancer awareness and education and to honor people living with breast cancer. It has grown into one of the largest awareness events in the Northeast with three inspirational days of education, support, and hope.
The three days will feature road races (5K, 10K, and Kids “Fun Run”), concerts (Beatles and Jimmy Buffet tribute bands), a martial arts demonstration (“Breaking Boards for Breast Cancerâ€), family fun (face painting, games, and activities) and much more, including the pinnacle of the weekend—the moving Illuminations of Life Ceremony.
Men With Heart will be in attendance on Saturday, Oct. 12, helping out with logistics, handing out literature, and recruiting for our upcoming walks. We hope you’ll join us!
Get more info at:
by Jack B. | May 19, 2013
We shared an incredible weekend of perfect weather with some amazing people, and we took valuable steps in the fight against breast cancer during the 2013 Boston Avon Walk for Breast Cancer.
For photos from the event, please visit our Facebook page.
If you’d like to join the Men With Heart team, please send an email to and he’ll get you signed up.
Thanks to all the beautiful and courageous people who took part in the journey. It was an honor to walk beside you.
by Jack B. | Feb 13, 2013
You don’t need the strength of a U.S. Marine to walk 60 miles; you just need a lotta heart! (And a good pair of sneakers.) And heart is something that Men With Heart has in abundance. We’ve been walking for 11 years, bringing our unique brand of camaraderie and support to the Avon (2-days/40 miles) and Komen (3 days/60 miles) breast cancer walks. We’ve raised more than a cool mil for the cause, while conducting sing-a-longs, candy giveaways, mobile medical services, and more for our fellow walkers.
Has breast cancer impacted your life or that of a loved one? Join us! Contact Jack for the Avon or Scott for the Komen and we’ll tell you how easy it is to take part — a blister or two notwithstanding!

No, we weren’t hanging around this entrance hoping to meet a hooker! MWH was at the State House last year to receive a citation from the governor honoring our 10 year/million dollar anniversary.
by Jack B. | Sep 25, 2012
In findings that are fundamentally reshaping the scientific understanding of breast cancer, researchers have identified four genetically distinct types of the cancer. And within those types, they found hallmark genetic changes that are driving many cancers. These discoveries, published online on Sunday in the journal Nature, are expected to lead to new treatments with drugs already approved for cancers in other parts of the body and new ideas for more precise treatments aimed at genetic aberrations that now have no known treatment.
Read the NY Times article …
by Jack B. | Aug 31, 2012

Outback Party a Big Hit!
Our second Outback party was a smashing success! We beat our year-one attendance and fund-raising marks by a long shot, and everyone had a good time while fighting the good fight.
Once we’ve tallied the donations we’ll post the results here.
We’ve also got some fall events coming up. Check back soon for the deets!
On Thursday, August 23rd, join Men With Heart at our second annual Outback bash!
Outback and Heineken, two socially minded businesses, have donated the venue, food, beer, and raffle prizes. And 100% of the proceeds benefit Men With Heart and the the fight against breast cancer. That’s no typo — it’s not NET proceeds, it’s ALL proceeds! Every penny from ticket sales will be put to use battling this insidious disease.
$25 is all you’ll pay. The admission price gets you unlimited quantities of Outback’s legendary appetizers (think Bloomin’ Onions, Chicken Quesadillas, Seared Ahi Tuna, Grilled Shrimp on the Barbie, Chicken Artichoke Flatbread, and much more!). The fee also buys you free-flowing beer taps (think Heineken, Dos Equis, Newcastle, and Amstel). (Please drink responsibly!) Plus you’ll get to hang out with those impossibly handsome and charismatic Men With Heart guys!

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